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Event Details

IPTW 2013

  • September 06, 2013
  • September 07, 2013
  • Frederick, Maryland


  • Non-member registration includes one full year individual membership in the Preservation Trades Network.
  • Includes dinner, Askins award & the world-famous PTN auction!
  • Includes the Walk the Talk tour on Friday and the dinner and auction on Saturday only. Does not include attendence at any other part of the event. Must be purchased along with a standard event registration.
  • Students must supply a current student ID when picking up registration in order to qualify.
  • 2 day workshop on September 4 & 5th covers everything from commong problems to cleaning & repairs. Box lunches included. Limited space.
  • One day workshop on September 4th covers basic geology;common problems associated with gravestones; monuments & markers; basic stone cleaning, raising & leveling; how to repair fallen and fractured stones; and stone epoxies. Box lunch included. Limited space.
  • One day workshop on September 5th covers: mortars; infilling with cement based mortars; granite; alternative cleaning techniques; sealing stones; consolidation and water repellants. Box lunch included. Limited space.
  • The Dry Stone workshop on September 4 & 5th will take place at the Antietam National Battlefield and will focus on restoration of some dry stone wall on-site. Box lunches included. Limited space.

Registration is closed
IPTW 2013: the 17th annual International Preservation Trades Workshop - "Walk the Talk"
Historic Preservaton Training Center, 
Frederick, Maryland   September 6th & 7th, 2013 

Join us for the 17th annual International Preservation Trades Workshop at the Historic Preservation Training Center in Frederick, MD.  There will be a great line-up of outstanding demonstrators, workshops and tours as well as the dinner, Askins Award and of course the world-famous PTN auction on Saturday night. Our demonstrators this year will be in the areas of: Business, Carpentry/Historic Joinery, Decorative Finishes, Masonry, Metalworking, Plaster, Stained Glass, Roofing/Timber Framing, Windows & Doors and our Miscellaneous category which includes things like Fresnel lens restoration (think light houses) and laser scanning! 

Pre-conference workshops will include Gravestone restoration at the historic Mt. Olivet cemetery and Dry Stone restoration at the Antietam National Battelfield.

This year we will have a set of walking tours which cover Masonry, Windows/Doors, Porches/Brackets and stained glass and help you to see historic Frederick in a more detailed light.

Preferred hotel rates expire August 9th so register now!


Note: to register as a PTN Member and receive the discounted member registration rate you must login to the Members Only area.

Preservation Trades Network
PO Box 442205
Detroit, MI 48244

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